Hen Pecked Husband: Kuzco almost becomes one to Princess Lalala.True to the trope, Yzma attempts to screw Kuzco over by trying to have him executed during her day as empress so that she can keep the throne. Deal with the Devil: In order to get out of marrying Princess Lalala, Kuzco makes a deal with Yzma to turn the princess into a frog, and in exchange, Yzma would be empress for a day.It's so bad that when she marries a new husband, he chooses to change himself into a llama and spend his life with his steed. Control Freak: Princess Lalala's worst trait is that she has to nitpick and control every aspect of whoever she's going to marry.
An Aesop: As Malina puts it, sometimes one should consider if what you're gaining is worth what you'll lose.